Thursday 22 September 2011

Time laps animation

Today we produced a piece of animation work in a program called Istopmotion,we worked in a group of four which was me,adam,jordan and cameron.The amount of time laps used was 21 seconds just having fun using the program.This work is called primary research,this is when it is your own personal experience on making something or others experience,you can also write interviews,audio record and video record.Secondary research is when you look for information in newspaper,magazines etc

Thursday 15 September 2011

Persistance of vision

class1a on animation - from Matty Dawe on Vimeo.

This video came from
This is good example of persistant vision.
Persistant vision makes it look like an image is moving by itself but it only looks like this because the brain can't manage how fast the image is in motion.

My First Post

My name name is Jordan Rowlands I love music and I am currently studying Media Level 3 at Middlesbrough College.